Plastic Free July

Today marks the start of Plastic Free July, a global movement that encourages reusables over single-use plastic items. Every year, millions of tons of plastics pollute our oceans. Studies show that we consume almost 50 lbs of plastic throughout our lifetime. Plastics do not decompose. Instead, they slowly break down into smaller fragments, called microplastics. We eat, drink, and even breathe microplastics. This is why it’s so important to reduce your plastic consumption whenever you can.

Every year, millions of people participate in Plastic Free July and I hope you will join the movement this year! Visit to sign-up for the challenge and check-out all of the awesome resources they have created to help you transition to a plastic-free life. It’s okay if you’re not perfectly plastic-free as living a zero waste life is extremely difficult. Plastic is literally everywhere. I encourage you to make it a fun challenge! My friend started a “Pals + Plastic Free July” group chat so that we can share ideas, talk about challenges, and celebrate all of the small wins. If you’re not sure where to start, do a quick waste audit and see what materials make up your trash. For example, if you’re using plastic snack baggies, it’s time to move on to reusable snack bags, glass jars, or simply just use your Tupperware containers instead. Something is always better than nothing! You can also stop by your local refill shop or visit a zero-waste site like to get some inspiration.

Choose to refuse single-use plastics and check out the list of sustainable swaps below!

Personal Care Products

Use This!

Shampoo & Conditioner Bars

Tooth Tabs or DIY Mouthpaste

Bamboo Toothbrush

Refillable Floss

Refillable Deodorant or Deodorant Cream

Reusable Cotton Rounds or MakeUp Cloths

Bar Soaps or Refillable Soap Dispensers

Menstrual Cups, Reusable Cotton Pads, & Period Panties

Not That

Bottled Shampoo & Conditioner

Toothpaste Tubes

Plastic Toothbrush

Single-use Plastic Floss

Disposable Deodorant

Single-use Makeup Wipes

Disposable Hand Soap Bottles

Pads and Tampons

Food/Kitchen Items

Use This!

Reusable Snack Containers

Beeswax Wrap

Reusable Utensils

Metal or Glass Water Bottle

Reusable Coffee Cups

Reusable Straws

Cloth Produce Bags (or no bags!)

Reusable Shopping Bags

Tea Infusers

Reusable Cloth Coffee Filters

Not That…

Plastic Snack Baggies

Plastic Wrap

Single-use Utensils

Plastic Water Bottle

Paper or Plastic Coffee Cups

Plastic or Paper Straws

Plastic Produce Bags

Plastic or Paper Bags

Single-steep Tea Bags

Single-use Paper Coffee Filters

Cleaning Products

Use This!

Bar Dish Soap & Brush

Microfiber Towel & DIY Cleaning Spray

Reusable Mopping Pads

Washable Duster

Dryer Balls

Laundry Tablets

Not That…

Bottled Dish Soap & Plastic Sponge

Paper Towels & Chemical Cleaning Sprays

Single-use Mop Wipes

Single-use Dusting Pads

Dryer Sheets

Liquid Laundry Detergent in Plastic Bottles

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